Friday, April 10, 2009

One week to go....

Well, one week till the Battenkill Roubaix which is going to be my first major road race of the year and may be the toughest course all year (at least looking at the race schedule). I am really psyched about the race and cant wait to line up and get to it. Training has been good for the most part, I am a little concerned that I haven't done enough, but considering all that has gone on for the last two months (being sick for 2+ weeks, getting ready for the new baby, and life in general), I feel I have made some great gains in fitness and technique and have learned much about my own body and how it responds. I also know that I have (even in other activities) had the tendency to over train so that also makes me feel as if I haven't trained enough.

Race day will definitely tell the tale, regardless I will be pushing myself and be using some newly learned strategies and mental toughness, my enjoyment of this sport is not dependent on the out come of an event but the sport itself.


1 comment:

  1. Well said Gun! It is not the destination, but the journey. Even so - good luck!!
